Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Boys

This is Harrison's tribute to Sex and the City 2. Abu Dabi here we come!

Harrison getting lazy during tummy time.

Oliver entranced by his Baby Einstein mat.

The boys have such unique personalities already. Oliver is my snuggle bug, when you pick him up he just folds into you. Harrison on the other hand, fights you. Oliver likes to be rocked to sleep, Harrison would like to be put down, with his paci. On walks, Oliver observes everything and Harrison sleeps. Harrison chugs his bottle, and then lets out one ginormous burp at the end. Oliver prefers to savor every drop and stops often to burp. Harrison attempts to pee on you at every diaper change, Oliver never has. Oliver makes sweet little facial expression, Harrison mainly furrows his eyebrows.
They are so very different, but so ours. I can see our personalities come through in each of them in totally different ways, and I love that. I cannot wait for them to discover one another!


  1. I absolutely love your blog :) It's so cute.

  2. Thank you! I'm trying to get better at keeping up with it!
