Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Boys

This is Harrison's tribute to Sex and the City 2. Abu Dabi here we come!

Harrison getting lazy during tummy time.

Oliver entranced by his Baby Einstein mat.

The boys have such unique personalities already. Oliver is my snuggle bug, when you pick him up he just folds into you. Harrison on the other hand, fights you. Oliver likes to be rocked to sleep, Harrison would like to be put down, with his paci. On walks, Oliver observes everything and Harrison sleeps. Harrison chugs his bottle, and then lets out one ginormous burp at the end. Oliver prefers to savor every drop and stops often to burp. Harrison attempts to pee on you at every diaper change, Oliver never has. Oliver makes sweet little facial expression, Harrison mainly furrows his eyebrows.
They are so very different, but so ours. I can see our personalities come through in each of them in totally different ways, and I love that. I cannot wait for them to discover one another!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Post Partum Check-up

I had my post partum check up today and it was pretty hard for me. I used to get so excited driving to the clinic- I couldn't wait to hear the babies heartbeats or see them on the ultrasound but this time there was nothing to look forward to.

Of course when I got there they put me next to the NST room- so all I heard was tha thump, tha thump, tha thump as some lucky woman listened to the little life inside of her. All this while I answered "No" to if we were planning on more children. It's really odd because I really don't think I want anymore but my insides feel so empty. My arms are really full- my uterus not so much!

On the upside- she give me a prescription for the stretchmarks and said the skin will tighten up in no time. As far as my abs having separated- they did but with some abdominal exercises they should go back without surgery so that's good news.

What were Bubba and the boys up to today??? Well when I left for the appt they were all watching the world cup (napping). When I returned he was reading Russel Brand's "My Booky Wook" aloud to them while playing classical music. He said the music balanced out the porno-graphical nature of the book! Nice. We need some Baby Einsteins stat! ;)

Saturday, June 26, 2010


So those of you that really know me will be shocked by what I'm going to say but I do not like to be the center of attention! ;) I also do not like making a fool out of myself. So needless to say leaving the house with twin babies is a little daunting for me but something I need to get over. I was on friggin bedrest for 13 weeks- I NEED to get out of the house.

My biggest fear was/is what equipment to use, which stroller? wear baby? carry carseats? cart or no cart? are the doors automatic if not how do I get in with this ginormous stroller? once in will the boys throw a fuss and will we all end up leaving in tears?!?! Will people look at me and think what a bad mom?

So I started slowly, making it a goal to get out for a walk everyday. Then when my parents are visiting they make sure we get out for a dinner one night with the boys- this may be more for my dad who isn't thrilled with my vegetarian cooking, or lack of cooking overall and is completely enamored with A' bravo??? But anywho- so far so good. Then I got really ballsy one day and decided to go to the Broadway Farmers Market.

I have a love of this market- my first job in the "big city" was on Broadway- I did the first TV interview about the itty bitty market. It was my favorite night to work because everyone was so kind and I could go home for the night with fresh flowers! So, now that the market is a huge success I love going. I also knew this was a safe bet because my friend owns the bath shop down there so if there were a major meltdown, I knew where extra hands were available!

Alas, it went swimmingly, the boys did great as did their momma. I didn't even hit anyone with the stroller! I was feeling pretty confident at this point and decided to hit up Target. I got my purse on, the stroller out, diaper bag, boys clicked in and away we went. I picked up a few things and then when we were walking out, I reached for my keys, no keys. I figured I must have left them in the car. This is when I start repeating "don't panic" in my head. As I walk towards the car, I see my keys on the bumper of my unlocked car- awesome.

Since then, I have made some more little trips on here and there and am getting more and more comfortable and remembering my keys! woohoo! However I really miss little shops, I used to spend entire days stopping in all the little shops, picking up an item or two at each. That kind of day is no longer feasible but will be again some day I'm sure.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thoughts on Being a MoM

This will probably be the never ending post as I have many thoughts on being a mother of multiples....
There is not a day that goes by where I do not wonder why I was given twins but it doesn't really matter why all that matters now is that I do a damn good job raising them!
As I type this now Oliver is in the Bjorn stuck to me snoring (we went out to trim bushes while Harrison napped- Oliver isn't really into napping unless he's on you).

Topic #1
The first few weeks suck big time. I was incredibly sleep deprived and home sick. I wanted my mommy plain and simple. I didn't eat, sleep or breathe for awhile and then Bri went back to work and I was forced to step it up and amazingly enough it all worked out.

Topic #2
Breastfeeding also sucks. Ok not really- I'm sure it's lovely but for me it was the hardest thing in the world. We also had to formula feed due to weight gain issues, so an endless round of nurse, bottle feed, pump repeat nearly drove me over the edge. I packed up my pump, cried and then felt a lot better.

Topic #3
OCD beware! I like things the way I like them- a tidy house, a stocked fridge, groomed pets (groomed me) pretty gardens, etc. I do not like laundry baskets lying around, dog hair on furniture, a sink full of dishes and produce turning itself into mush. So I have become a bit of a hermit. I have not willingly invited one person over but am grateful to those who get me and forcefully showed up. Even if my bathrobe-clad spit up laden self said differently.

Topic #4
I love cloth diapering. We made the decision to cloth diaper the boys because of environmental and economic reasons. I did not foresee that it would also be therapeutic. I love stuffing the diapers and hanging them on the line. It has also become a shopping addiction!

Topic #5
Dads are sexy. There is nothing sexier than Bubba with his boys. I am insanely attracted to this man and did not know I would be even more so when he became a father. He reads "dwell" magazine to them, entertains them during tummy time, takes them for walks and most adorably wears Oliver in the Bjorn a lot.

Topic #6
I am not so sexy. My body is a train wreck. I have stretchmarks that look like I might as well be octomom. I also have this lovely hanging tummy skin. I am told this will get better but I am not holding my breath (actually I am because this friggin girdle is so tight!) Just kidding!!

Topic #7
I think these will be our only children. I wanted one and Brian wanted two so in a way we both got what we wanted. We don't feel we need anything more to be happy- we have two healthy, happy and studly little men. If more children do make their way into our lives it will most likely be through adoption (or failed birth control).

Topic #8
Bad mom or not I am looking forward to going back to work. I start July 7th and am really excited. I know it's going to be hard but I am only doing part time and am working at the most amazing place! The team at the flower shop is like a family and I can't wait to be part of it! I always thought I wanted to be a stay at home mom but I miss adults, creativity and making my own money. Maybe when the boys are in school I'll become a stay at home! Ha! Then I can spend all day baking treats for them and ironing Brian's clothes!

Well I have to save some material for next time. So if you're still reading this- thank you for sticking with me. Naps are becoming a little more regular so I will try my best to update more often.

Love, poo and slobber to you all!