Saturday, June 26, 2010


So those of you that really know me will be shocked by what I'm going to say but I do not like to be the center of attention! ;) I also do not like making a fool out of myself. So needless to say leaving the house with twin babies is a little daunting for me but something I need to get over. I was on friggin bedrest for 13 weeks- I NEED to get out of the house.

My biggest fear was/is what equipment to use, which stroller? wear baby? carry carseats? cart or no cart? are the doors automatic if not how do I get in with this ginormous stroller? once in will the boys throw a fuss and will we all end up leaving in tears?!?! Will people look at me and think what a bad mom?

So I started slowly, making it a goal to get out for a walk everyday. Then when my parents are visiting they make sure we get out for a dinner one night with the boys- this may be more for my dad who isn't thrilled with my vegetarian cooking, or lack of cooking overall and is completely enamored with A' bravo??? But anywho- so far so good. Then I got really ballsy one day and decided to go to the Broadway Farmers Market.

I have a love of this market- my first job in the "big city" was on Broadway- I did the first TV interview about the itty bitty market. It was my favorite night to work because everyone was so kind and I could go home for the night with fresh flowers! So, now that the market is a huge success I love going. I also knew this was a safe bet because my friend owns the bath shop down there so if there were a major meltdown, I knew where extra hands were available!

Alas, it went swimmingly, the boys did great as did their momma. I didn't even hit anyone with the stroller! I was feeling pretty confident at this point and decided to hit up Target. I got my purse on, the stroller out, diaper bag, boys clicked in and away we went. I picked up a few things and then when we were walking out, I reached for my keys, no keys. I figured I must have left them in the car. This is when I start repeating "don't panic" in my head. As I walk towards the car, I see my keys on the bumper of my unlocked car- awesome.

Since then, I have made some more little trips on here and there and am getting more and more comfortable and remembering my keys! woohoo! However I really miss little shops, I used to spend entire days stopping in all the little shops, picking up an item or two at each. That kind of day is no longer feasible but will be again some day I'm sure.


  1. Vivian L GBAMOM7/2/10, 7:43 PM

    Twin mommy brains do that kind of thing to you- making you leave car keys where they don't belong!!! It was after the twins that I began bouncing checks after never having done that before - tooooooooooo tired! Congrats on getting out - it can be a feat sometimes - ask me about my Walmart experience sometime - I never go to shopping!!!!!!!

  2. I won't even do Wal-Mart alone so I can't imagine!
