Monday, June 28, 2010

Post Partum Check-up

I had my post partum check up today and it was pretty hard for me. I used to get so excited driving to the clinic- I couldn't wait to hear the babies heartbeats or see them on the ultrasound but this time there was nothing to look forward to.

Of course when I got there they put me next to the NST room- so all I heard was tha thump, tha thump, tha thump as some lucky woman listened to the little life inside of her. All this while I answered "No" to if we were planning on more children. It's really odd because I really don't think I want anymore but my insides feel so empty. My arms are really full- my uterus not so much!

On the upside- she give me a prescription for the stretchmarks and said the skin will tighten up in no time. As far as my abs having separated- they did but with some abdominal exercises they should go back without surgery so that's good news.

What were Bubba and the boys up to today??? Well when I left for the appt they were all watching the world cup (napping). When I returned he was reading Russel Brand's "My Booky Wook" aloud to them while playing classical music. He said the music balanced out the porno-graphical nature of the book! Nice. We need some Baby Einsteins stat! ;)

1 comment:

  1. a prescription for stretchmarks?
    i'd be interested in that!
